How to keep cool at night during the summer months

How to keep cool at night during the summer months

You know that feeling when you get into bed on a night knowing you’re not likely to get much sleep because it’s too warm? Us too. It can often be frus

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You know that feeling when you get into bed on a night knowing you’re not likely to get much sleep because it’s too warm? Us too. It can often be frustrating when the sun goes down but the temperature doesn’t, especially if you’re already a hot sleeper in the first place.

Did you know that most people sleep better when they feel cooler at night? So if the weather has been glorious and you’re dreading getting into bed, what are some of the things you can do to keep cool during the summer nights?

Why is it so hard to sleep when it’s hot?

According to the Sleep Foundation, as part of your normal sleep cycle your body temperature starts to decrease in the early evening. This is linked with your circadian rhythm which regulates you sleep, appetite, mood and a number of other body functions. This rhythm is controlled by an area in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).

Simply put, during the day your eyes perceive natural light and send a signal to the SCN that you should be awake. When the night draws in, your eyes perceive darkness and send a signal to the SCN that it’s time to slow down, making you feel tired and relaxed. At this stage, your temperature will also start to dip.

Normally, as you go to bed your body temperature will continue to decrease. However, if your bedroom is too warm, this can increase your body temperature disturbing your sleep. You’re much more sensitive to changes in temperature during the first two stages of sleep, meaning you’re more likely to wake up during these stages if you feel too hot.

Our top tips on how to stay cool at night

If you’re struggling to get into that deep stage of sleep because you’re too hot, try some of these tips out…

Boost the air flow – if you know it’s likely to be hot in the evening, keep blinds and curtains closed throughout the day. At night, open your windows and keep your bedroom door open.

Lose the duvet – if you need to sleep under something, why not try a cotton sheet instead of a duvet!

Wear lightweight nightwear – there’s nothing worse than heavy nightwear when it’s hot. Swap your existing set for a lightweight and comfortable ladies nightwear option.

Drink cold water – take a glass of cold water with you to bed and avoid too much alcohol before you settle down for the night.

Use a fan – fans are great to have on standby during the hotter months.

The socks in the fridge trick – if you find that you’re struggling to get comfortable because your feet are too warm, pop your socks into the fridge and wear them just before you hop into bed.