How To Become A DJ: A Guide For Beginners

How To Become A DJ: A Guide For Beginners

A DJ, or disc jockey, can easily be defined as someone who hosts recorded music for an audience. The term DJ is like an umbrella, one that encompasses

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A DJ, or disc jockey, can easily be defined as someone who hosts recorded music for an audience. The term DJ is like an umbrella, one that encompasses all the various types of DJs and the work they do. Before you begin your journey of becoming a DJ, you need to know what type of DJ you are. One of the most common types and the one many begin their career in is as a club DJ. This is the route that many people go down as a way to get their name out in the industry, as it allows them to interact with large audiences.

Working within the music industry has its many benefits, including the diverse range of available possibilities. If becoming a DJ is the career path that you want to go down, here are just a few tips on how to get started.

Choosing The Right Name

Your talent and skills will attract people to your music but your name is what listeners will remember. Choosing the right DJ name is key as it will help you in the early days of your career, as you build your presence and maintain a social following.

To choose the right DJ name, there are different variables to consider. Fortunately, there are various guides, such as the one created by Pirate Studios, which details what is considered good DJ names and why the name is important when becoming a DJ.

Your DJ name is what audiences will remember, they will use it to find your social media to see your upcoming events and what they will use to tell friends about your performance. As such, it is important to choose the right name that leaves a positive, lasting impression, just like your performances.

Know The Software Needed

Three platforms are predominantly used by DJs in the industry, it is about finding the one that you prefer and feel confident using. Serato is considered one of the sturdiest pieces of DJ software available on the market. There are many benefits to using this software, which include that it is supported by a vast range of hardware pieces. It is also a popular choice by many scratch DJs due to its original roots in turntablism.

The other choice is Traktor, which supports great performance features adored by many DJs. The only setback with this software is that to get the most out of it, you need to use the hardware from Native Instruments, the company that created Traktor.

In addition to Traktor and Serato, there is Rekordbox, used to import music, create playlists, set cue points, as well as a range of other prep work.

Learn How To Properly Use The Equipment

A glance at DJ equipment and you will be met with what seems like an endless selection of buttons, sliders and dials to use. It can be overwhelming to look at, however, as you begin to build an understanding about what they do and how to work them, using the equipment will become effortless.

There are beginner’s guides designed around how to operate DJ gear, which provides useful information about what you need and how to properly use the equipment. Taking the information from these guides, with the advice received from other DJs and practising in your spare time, this combination will help to create the foundation of your DJ career as you learn how to effectively use the equipment you need.

Don’t Forget About Connections

One of the most effective ways to get your name out as a DJ is through networking and making connections. From promoters, other DJs and even the crowds you perform for, connections will help you in booking more gigs and build a following.

As you begin to build a reputation, seek advice from fellow DJs about the equipment they use or the techniques they use whilst performing. During your spare time, you can use the information and try out the techniques to build on your skills.

Putting Plans Into Action

Answering the question ‘how to become a DJ’ can be a challenging question to ask since the journey to becoming a successful DJ can be strenuous. There will be moments of disappointment due to rejection, as well as extremely high due to elating opportunities that are offered. With every opportunity offered, take it with both hands as many DJs are all competing with you to get the same gig.

Selecting the right name, building a social media following and perfecting your skills will all help you along the way to becoming a successful DJ. Interacting with your following, being genuine as you create music are all traits that will be remembered by supporters. Combining these factors with creating memorable performances that audiences will talk about, are all key ways to help put your name out into the industry.