Things To Consider When You Pick Vegetables To Plant In Your Garden

Things To Consider When You Pick Vegetables To Plant In Your Garden

There are so many plants that you can choose for your garden. In fact, the process of choosing is a very exciting part of gardening. Unfortunately, it

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There are so many plants that you can choose for your garden. In fact, the process of choosing is a very exciting part of gardening. Unfortunately, it is also a very quick way to lose control. As a beginner, according to specialists from, the best thing you can do is to start small. Fewer is always better.

Plants tend to grow quicker than we expect so overplanting is a very common problem for vegetable gardens. This is why you need to always think about the following when you decide what plants you are going to buy and plant.

Spacing And Size

Always think about how much room you have and how large you want the garden to be. Then, consider how plants will be placed. Start your vegetable garden with the use of a garden planner if you are a beginner. This allows you to figure out how much room is needed by the plants you choose.

When you plant in containers or raised beds, space is more limited. In this case, you have to think about the space available for pots in your patio or wherever you want to start the garden. Also, you have to take into account how many vegetables are going to be produced by the plant, together with the total overall weight that will have to be supported.

Should You Purchase Plants Or Use Seeds?

Starting the vegetable garden with seeds is more advanced. Buying plants that are already grown is much simpler. A big advantage of using seed packets is that the price tag is very low. A healthy fully-grown plant can easily cost 5 to 8 times more.

If you buy a live plant, not much advanced planning is necessary. You can just place the vegetable plant in the garden whenever the time is correct. If you plan a small garden, you do not have to invest a lot of money. However, in the event that you want to save some cash, seed packets have to be considered.

As a related tip, in the event that you choose seeds, make sure that you do not overplant. This is very easy to do. Most beginners make this mistake.


The best thing that you can do is to choose between 8 and 12 plant varieties as you start a vegetable garden. You will learn a lot of things as you experiment. Some of the wonderful choices that can be considered include:

  • Radishes – they grow really fast and can be sown with ease.
  • Beets – also grow fast and you can easily take care of them.
  • Salad greens – these plans keep on giving.
  • Green beans – you can easily can them or just freeze them so you can use them during the winter.
  • Potatoes – they have to be planted during early spring and when the summer starts, you can harvest tasty baby potatoes.
  • Onions – these might not mature as you want them to at times but there is never waste.
  • Sweet peas – also very easy to grow but they do not like direct, hot sunlight.