How To Take The Next Step In Your Career This Autumn

How To Take The Next Step In Your Career This Autumn

Over the course of the last year and a half, a lot of us have found ourselves moved off the career path we had planned for ourselves. Many of us were

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Over the course of the last year and a half, a lot of us have found ourselves moved off the career path we had planned for ourselves. Many of us were put on indefinite furlough, many of us were made redundant, and many business owners were forced to say goodbye to their passion project. But things are finally starting to look up out there. UK restrictions are rolling back, businesses are reopening, new opportunities are materialising, and the time for sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves is over. Here are a few ways that you can take your next step in the months ahead.

Take A Good Look At Your Skillset

When we are thinking about where to go next in our career journey, a lot of us tend to focus on what we know and what we have just come from. We don’t tend to think laterally, we just keep moving up that ladder. But during the pandemic, we have seen that the next step on our particular ladder is not always there. You are going to have to think about your skillset in a different way. Don’t focus so much on your work history. Think about the skills that you have developed. How could they be applied elsewhere? Just because you haven’t been in a role before, does not mean that you don’t have the tools to succeed in it.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Thinking Big

It makes a lot of sense why so many of us are feeling cautious about our next professional step. Given all that we have seen since March 2020, security is the watchword. But there is no reason why you can’t be ambitious within that. A good idea is still a good idea, and if you have been itching to start your own business or be your own boss, this window of time could be exactly what you need.

If you are concerned about security and support, then why not thinking about becoming a franchisee? In return for your investment, you can run a business inside an existing model. Whether you are interested the auto industry, health care, home renovations or dining, there are many franchise opportunities based on different industries. Franchise Local has put together a comprehensive guide to the best franchise opportunities in the UK.

Keep Learning

If you have been frustrated in your efforts to get a new business off the ground or you feel like your next step up the career ladder is still out of reach, then maybe it’s time to look at how you can boost your skills. In the wake of the pandemic, many higher learning institutions and specialised leaning centres made their classes available online.

No matter what skills you are looking at improving, you will be able to find a course that suits you. You could also look at classes to boost your technological skills, something that was hugely popular with over-50s during the pandemic. Remember that taking online classes doesn’t just help you gain new knowledge. It shoes that you are a self-starter who is constantly looking for ways to improve, which is always a great thing to demonstrate.