4 Imperative Tips for Managing Work Fatigue

4 Imperative Tips for Managing Work Fatigue

Have you been feeling like your work is becoming more and more of a burden than a thing you used to love doing? And the reason isn't your employer or

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Have you been feeling like your work is becoming more and more of a burden than a thing you used to love doing? And the reason isn’t your employer or your coworkers but something else that makes you feel tired all the time? There’s no need to feel guilty about it or stress. Work fatigue happens to an approximate figure of 79% of employees in the UK. Now that’s a prominent figure, so there’s no doubt that you could be a part of the crowd too.

It’s completely normal to feel this way at work, but the circumstances of work fatigue can be dangerous if not handled timely. Due to extended work hours during the lockdown period, several essential workers complained about this problem, and it could either be due to not getting good hours of sleep or stress at work. The condition can even arise on its own without any symptoms or causes. Thankfully it’s not a big thing and can be taken care of by the following tips and actions:

Improve Your Sleep

Fatigue as a sign that your sleep may be suffering. Getting 6-7 hours of sleep is essential for every human body. And if these are not provided or the rest is interrupted, fatigue can be the number one precedent. So if you think that you’re unable to sleep soundly at night, it would be best to consult a physician or a sleep doctor.

If not, then you can try and conduct some consistent before-bedtime practices that can help you sleep like a baby. These can include creating a comfortable and dark environment, try relaxing or meditating, set aside your phone, avoid food and drinks at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Other than that, you can follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen to fuel sound sleep.

Take Advantage of Productive Hours

No matter how exhausted you feel in your working hours, there will be stretches when you feel motivated more than other times. Even if this is after the release of caffeine in your system, make sure to take the opportunity of the times you feel the most productive to undertake all the essential tasks. You don’t want to make mistakes in your work too many times and ask for excuses from your employer. The best thing you can do is fit your essential work in critical hours and the rest in fatigued times.


Talk to Your Manager

Instead of making constant excuses to your manager or employer and trying to hide your problem, you can talk to them. Your discussion and revelation of your condition may help both you and your employer find better management for you or provide some reimbursement for its treatment from the company. It’s true; some companies have polices made up for their employees to help them through unmotivated and stressed times and even provide monetary help to them. Ask your workplace about this kind of notion and take advantage of it during this time.


Make a Leave

If nothing is helping to make you work as you did before or motivate you, then taking some time away from work may be the best idea. Don’t worry about overloaded work, as workplaces are prepared to take some fallbacks or assign that work to someone else. Your main priority should be your health as fatigue can have consequences like mental health issues, life-threatening conditions due to physical or mental exertion, and so on. However, many times, workplaces aren’t ready for sending away employees on vacations, especially in this time of business loss and havoc due to pandemic. For that reason, you can click here to get a not-so-real yet authentic doctor’s report and submit your health-related leave in your office for a relaxing time off.