Call to arms by Tony Blair for Remain voters to 'rise up' against Brexit Former Prime Minister Tony Blair will issue a rallying call to Remain vote

Call to arms by Tony Blair for Remain voters to ‘rise up’ against Brexit
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair will issue a rallying call to Remain voters to push to thwart Brexit.In his first major speech since the EU referendum, he will say in the address, organised by Open Britain, that people voted without knowing all the terms of Brexit and that they had a right to chang…

Tony Blair urges Remainers to block Brexit
In a major return to frontline politics, the former prime minister (pictured) will urge those who support Britain’s continued EU membership to unite and fight against departure….

Tony Blair Vows To Fight Theresa May’s ‘Brexit At Any Cost’, Says Public Want Curbs On Non-EU Migration
BEN STANSALL via Getty Images Tony Blair has waded back into British politics by urging the public to “rise up” and change their mind on Brexit if Theresa May tries to quit the EU “at any cost”.

Tony Blair urges Remain supporters to keep fighting against Brexit
In an extraordinary call to arms, the former Labour PM will say pro-Europeans have a “mission” to keep Britain inside the EU…