Thinking Green – The Best Environmentally Friendly Materials for Construction of 2022

Thinking Green – The Best Environmentally Friendly Materials for Construction of 2022

The energy crisis, global economic instability, rising severity and frequency of natural disasters, are factors causing millions around the world to r

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The energy crisis, global economic instability, rising severity and frequency of natural disasters, are factors causing millions around the world to rethink the way they view and do everyday things. The global dependency on fossil fuels is driving the current energy crisis. Supplies and consumers alike are needing to change their habits not only to have a positive effect on global issues but to also reduce their own expenses and living costs. One of the most effective ways of ticking these boxes is to use environmentally friendly, sustainable building materials.

Eco friendly materials are key to saving the planet and saving money at the same time, both short term and long term. These are just a few of the great eco friendly materials currently on the Materials Market in 2022:

Materials That Help to Build Homes and Help to Save the Planet


Bamboo can be used as a great construction material for various purposes, for homes, buildings, bridges, and scaffolding. It is a natural composite material like wood, that is very strong in comparison to its weight which makes it like timber. Bamboo is a highly sustainable material due to that fact that it is one of the fastest growing plants in the world, growing up to nearly 1 meter in a 24-hour period! It is more commonly grown than people think, and it is available all over the world. It rivals the strength of steel, and it seems it’s only due to its less traditional feel that it’s not as popularly used as it could be.


Traditional wooden buildings have been a part of the architectural landscape for centuries. General wood is strong, durable, and naturally insulating. These factors all bode well in constructing a new home. While overusing wood is damaging to the earth if not correctly reforested, it is easily recycled and if that approach was taken it would make wood a lot more sustainable as an option for construction. Some properties of wood make it difficult to use, yet modern techniques and the work of engineers over the years has been able to harness this natural resource to be used in a variety of different ways. With the passing of time, wood has been exploited by the construction industry, yet recent developments are making it more eco-friendly for sustainable buildings today.

Recycled steel

Steel is one of the most recycled construction materials with over 500 million tonnes of this strong and durable metal being recycled around the world every year. Steel used in the field of construction is highly recycles, with 87 per cent of constructional steel being recycled in the UK, 10 per cent being reused and only 3 per cent going to landfill. The structural integrity of modern buildings is often based on steel and recycling this commodity saves a stagger 75 per cent of the energy costs involved in making it in the first place. There is nothing to lose and a lot to gain by utilising recycled steel in a building project.


Natural Insulation Boards

Investing in insulation will do a lot to reduce your energy use and therefore energy bills. Good insulation stops heat from escaping in the winter and keeps the home cool during the summer. Sustainable materials, like straw bales and sheep’s wool, are amazing natural ways of providing insulation to a home. They are also relatively simple to install, maintain and replace if needed. It’s a great perk that insulation boards that are good for the earth are often good for your home too.


Glass is a common feature of modern construction, due to its ability to connect architecture to its outside space. It brings in a great deal of natural light and this is in turn does wonders for the mental health of those within the building. While initially it may not be considered as an eco friendly material, it is made from the naturally sourced products of sand and limestone. While it is thought to be fragile and brittle, it is surprisingly strong and durable when it’s used in the right places and conditions. It also is well insulated which is why it works so well for windows in warm homes and offices. It is easy to recycle so it is therefore great in a sustainable sense.

Recycled Plastic

Another easily recycled material is plastic and while most people connect plastic to damaging materials and unsustainable products, while the commodity is here it makes sense to use it. Rather than creating new plastic materials, it is more sustainable to recycle and reuse the plastic already in circulation. While its durable nature makes it a blight to the planet, it also makes it a long lasting building material that can prove to be an advantage if plastic is put to good use.


Concrete isn’t known as the most attractive building material, but it is a great basic choice known for its durable and strong nature that makes it perfect for construction. Like the other sustainable options we’ve investigated, it is easily recyclable and the weathering it obtains over the years makes it even more authentic and full of character.

Build Your Home That’s Good for Humankind’s Home

Becoming sustainable is more than just upgrading to metal straws and biodegradable bin bags. The concept needs to be embraced by every industry if it is truly going to make a difference. Fortunately, the construction trade is one of the fields that’s spearheading the way in becoming more environmentally friendly. This means that sustainable options are becoming more readily available and cheaper too. You can design and create a home that’s good for planet without breaking the bank. Hopefully, learning just a little more about the sustainable materials available has opened your eyes to the world of environmentally friendly building. It’s not as scary a concept as you may think and by putting in a little more time and effort, and consulting with other experts, you can do your part to help the planet while also building a beautiful, energy efficient home.