Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution

Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution

Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution over IS images - BBC The European Parliament has lifted French far-right leader Marine Le Pen's immunit

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Marine Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution over IS images – BBC

The European Parliament has lifted French far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s immunity from prosecution after she tweeted pictures of so-called Islamic State (IS) violence.

Ms Le Pen is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of IS killings in 2015, including the beheading of US journalist James Foley.

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European Parliament votes to lift Marine Le Pen immunity over Isis tweets – The Independent

The European Parliament has revoked French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s immunity for tweeting pictures of Isis violence.

Ms Le Pen – a member of the EU Parliament – is under investigation in France for posting three images in 2015 of executions by Isis, including graphic images of the death of American journalist James Foley.

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Marine Le Pen stripped of immunity by MEPs over Isis tweets – The Guardian

MEPs have removed Marine Le Pen’s parliamentary immunity, allowing French prosecutors to take legal action against the far-right leader for tweeting gruesome images of killings by Islamic State militants.

The move was confirmed at a European parliament plenary session on Thursday after members of the legislature’s legal affairs committee voted by an overwhelming majority to waive Le Pen’s immunity following a request from the prosecutor of Nanterre in western Paris.

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MEPs vote to lift Marine Le Pen’s immunity for tweeting violent Isil images – The Telegraph

A group of European members of parliament on Tuesday voted “overwhelmingly” to lift the immunity of French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen for tweeting pictures of Isil violence.

Ms Le Pen, 48, an MEP, is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of Isil executions on Twitter in 2015, including the beheading of the American journalist James Foley.

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Marine Le Pen could be jailed for three years for ‘distributing violent images’ over ISIS beheading tweets after losing her European parliament immunity – Daily Mail

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has lost her European parliament immunity from prosecution in an obscene videos case that could see her jailed for three years.

The 48-year-old leader of the far-right Front National (FN) now faces being summoned by a French judge, and being charged with ‘distributing violent images’.

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