Making A Move: Why Media-Based Businesses In Wales Are Booming

Making A Move: Why Media-Based Businesses In Wales Are Booming

When you think of places in the UK that have a thriving media business scene, with vast opportunities available and room to grow, the top places are u

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When you think of places in the UK that have a thriving media business scene, with vast opportunities available and room to grow, the top places are usually London, Manchester and Bristol. However, there might be a new place to add to the list. In recent years, there has been significant growth in a location that possibly many would not have considered – Cardiff, Wales.

Filled with picturesque views and bursting with history, Cardiff is now becoming a hub for the media sector, which includes film, television and gaming. These areas of media are rapidly becoming a key part of the capital’s economy. As the industry in the capital is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon, here’s a few reasons as to why businesses in Wales seem to be thriving.

The Support Available

There are numerous factors to take into consideration when starting a new business, such as working hours, employment contracts, equal pay and discrimination on age, race, religion, gender and sexuality. All these factors fall under the employment law umbrella, which relates to the working environment and processes of a business. As the complexity of employment law continues to rise, the importance of understanding it to avoid disputes that could potentially damage the business and deter both current and potential employees.

If you are starting in the industry, understanding the process and ensuring that your business complies with employment law can be challenging. Fortunately, one of the best solicitors available is based in Cardiff. Robertsons Solicitors have been providing support to business communities in Cardiff and Barry for over 100 years. Knowing that support such as this is available, should be something to consider when making the move.

Less Competition Around

A common trend that many start-ups tend to face when attempting to grow in a larger city, is the struggle in attracting and retaining the best talent. When operating in an area where there is a larger market with more competition, gaining interest in brilliant candidates and ensuring that they do not get poached by competitors is incredibly difficult.

In Wales, there are a plethora of talented graduates from various universities throughout the country. With an excellent pool of talent available, it might be worth taking advantage of, bringing on board the wealth of motivated, fresh and excited expertise graduates possess. Ultimately, it can only be a positive for any business.

The Quality Of Life

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that there was an increase in those living in London searching for properties in areas outside of the capital, primarily Wales. One of the main differences in living in Wales compared to London is the considerably cheaper properties. It is not just the house prices that were cheaper, business premises were also cheaper to buy in comparison to those in London. Aside from the price difference, the public transport in Wales is less crowded and there is also more scenic greenery available, both on your doorstep and a drive away.