How to capitalise on the UK’s latest eco trends

How to capitalise on the UK’s latest eco trends

Consumers are more concerned than ever before about sustainability and the damaging impact humans’ carbon consumption is having on the planet. Indeed,

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Consumers are more concerned than ever before about sustainability and the damaging impact humans’ carbon consumption is having on the planet. Indeed, consumer ethical spending and finance grew by nearly 24 per cent from 2019 to 2020. If you are looking to elevate your business, create a start-up, or switch your career, focus on strategies and industries that are ethically-conscious – particularly in terms of the environment. Explore the UK’s latest eco trends and how you can capitalise on these to take your business to the next level in the years to come.

Green energy

The UK government has put in place a commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Given that residential properties are one of the biggest contributors to our greenhouse gas emissions, one of the knock-on effects of this promise is that gradually we will have to pivot towards green energy to heat our homes. Gas boilers have already been banned from new houses from 2025 onwards, and the government are encouraging the installation of green alternatives such as solar panels and heat pumps by offering grants to homeowners. However, there is a significant shortage of people who are qualified or to fit these green energy systems which will delay key government targets. Get ahead of the curve and train to become a heat pump installer to take advantage of this growing demand that will only increase in the future.

Sustainable Travel

Travel is another industry where focusing on sustainability will prove to be lucrative. The recent pandemic instilled in us all an appreciation of the world around us and a desire to preserve the environment as we know it for future generations. Consumers still want to travel – to experience nature first-hand – but they want to ensure that their carbon footprint is as low as possible. Beat the competition by finding ways to satisfy this desire. This could be achieved through offering more holidays slanted towards wildlife such as stays in eco-retreats. You could also embrace the recent trend of slow travel which celebrates exploration on foot or by bike and will help to reduce over-tourism. For flights, investigate ways of providing carbon offsetting. By leaning into the increased demand for sustainable practices, your business is sure to thrive.


Upcycling is a trend that every industry can borrow from. This involves taking old, used goods and either refurbishing them to give them a second lease of life or repurposing the materials to create an exciting new product. It is a technique that’s particularly popular amongst customers looking to buy furniture, and it can also work well with other homeware and clothing. Ultimately, you should look into your inventory and the products you offer and see if there is a way of incorporating upcycling without reducing quality.

By capitalising on the UK’s latest eco trends, you can attract and retain new customers while doing your bit to be more responsible and reduce your own environmental impact. Being ethically-minded in business is guaranteed to be a win-win.