Business Trip Essentials That Every Entrepreneur Needs

Business Trip Essentials That Every Entrepreneur Needs

Entrepreneurs know all about the hustle. They know what it’s like to leave their phone on loud overnight just in case that investor decides to return

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Entrepreneurs know all about the hustle. They know what it’s like to leave their phone on loud overnight just in case that investor decides to return a call with their decision. They know what it’s like to take a flight at some godforsaken time of the morning with multiple changes because they need to save their money for the stuff that really matters like the rising energy costs. They know what it’s like to bank on catching up on sleep at a later date because no one is going to finish this project for them. And they know what it’s like to spend a lot of time on the road.

If you are a first-time entrepreneur, then this is something that you are going to have to steel yourself for. It’s part of the lifestyle, part of the job. You may even learn to love it. But you are going to need to figure out what you need to have in your travel bag so that you can pack it at a moment’s notice. You don’t want to be scouring the office for that last thing when you get word that someone can meet you at the other end of the country at the end of the day, provided you leave now.

A Phone Charger And Power Bank

Let’s start with one of the items that can make your life incredibly difficult if you forget it. You might be one of those people who knows all the tricks for how to make the most of your battery life. But it’s so stressful watching that battery percentage tick down on a train or mid-flight when you know that you are going to have to wait until you arrive at your destination to find a replacement for the phone charger that you left at home. And can you really afford to lose that time when you get there if you have a meeting that is scheduled dangerously close to your arrival time? The best way to avoid this issue is by buying at least one power bank for your phone and any other devices that you are taking with you and keeping it charged. You can save yourself some grey hairs!

Some Sharp Clothes

The days when you’d be expected to show up in a perfectly pressed suit and tie to every meeting may be gone, but it’s always better to be prepared for the occasion if you can. Even if you’re pretty confident that the meeting you’re going to is just a casual chat with someone you’re on the same wavelength with, you never know what might happen. Maybe they know an investor or client who wants an introduction when they find out that you’re in town. Maybe they’ve got an invite to an event that is a lot fancier than the t-shirt, plaid shirt, and jeans that you’ve arrived in. You might not need to take a suit bag and black shoes on every trip, but it’s always a good idea to have some smarter options with you just in case.

Your Personal Essentials

One of the most important things to keep in mind on high-pressure business trips is that you need to keep any unnecessary stress to an absolute minimum. That means having your creature comforts and day-to-day essentials ready to go when you need them. It can be so aggravating when you reach for your vape pen only to discover that you left it on your desk, or that the battery ran down without you noticing. A lot of vapers have their personal favourite fluids, or indeed their personal favourite rigs, and you don’t want to be rushing around newsagents and vape shops in an unfamiliar city looking for a replacement that is good enough. It’s always a good idea to stock up on your vape kit essentials of choice. Whether you are looking for elf bars, disposable vape pens, or the accessories you need to back up your rig, Grey Haze is one of Europe’s leading online vape shops. They’ve got a five-star rating based on more than 27000 customer reviews, and they offer free and fast delivery with no minimum limit.

Overnight Essentials

You never know when a quick meeting is going to turn into a brainstorming session that goes on late into the night. You also can’t plan for a client surprising you with a dinner invitation that would be foolish to ignore or asking you to come back for another meeting the next morning if they have an emergency elsewhere. While the chances of you being unable to find a toothbrush at a local supermarket are probably pretty slim, this point is all about you being as comfortable as possible. It’s just much more relaxing when you know that you’ve got your bathroom essentials with you, not to mention any other pieces of kit that you find help you sleep better. You’ll be grateful of having those items in your bag when you can start the next day fresh and ready to go.

A Portfolio Of Your Work

Experienced entrepreneurs will tell you that opportunities can come out of nowhere and you need to be ready for them. We may have moved past the days of business cards, but if you run into a potential client or investor, you need to be able to give them a quick rundown of what you do and show them exactly why they need to know about your business. Before you leave on any business trip, make sure that you have some essential keywords and numbers prepped, and that anything that you need to show visually is ready to go. You don’t want to be asking someone to just hold on a second while you try and find that link in an old email.

Travel Insurance

Delays are always going to be a part of life when you’re travelling for business, especially if you are heading out there by train or by plane. Trains are going to be particularly tricky, as it doesn’t look like there is going to be an end to the strike action that’s been causing so much disruption here in the UK anytime soon. But it’s also worth remembering that there was absolute chaos at airports last summer, with everything from delayed and cancelled flights to lost baggage. You don’t want to be thinking about how you can pay for lost expenses when budgets are already so tight, not to mention shelling out money from your own account. It’s always much more sensible to take out travel insurance before you head out on a long trip, especially if you are heading overseas.

Downtime Options

Even though you’ll be thinking about your business at every waking moment, it is really important that you find a way to disconnect and unwind when you can. There are a lot of benefits to stepping back from a stressful project, and if you’re heading off on a business trip there may be a lot of opportunities to turn your mind to other things. You might want to think about meditation apps to help you unwind at the end of a stressful day. A long train journey could be the perfect time to read some inspirational writing from business leaders that you want to emulate. Or you might just want to use those hours to catch up on that show that everyone is talking about!