Are you just thinking about property? Above all, children need love and education

Are you just thinking about property? Above all, children need love and education

Above all, do you make sure that your adult children don't suffer financially, and do you to deal with savings and their future heritage? Rather, make

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Above all, do you make sure that your adult children don’t suffer financially, and do you to deal with savings and their future heritage? Rather, make sure that they are able to get everything they need in adulthood themselves.

Misconception about how to provide for children

Many of today’s parents grew up under communism. They suffered from a huge lack of freedom and had very little in the way assets. Even today, many parents have existential problems – or have experience with them

From their viewpoint, the solution is that providing their children with so much that they never have to solve existential problems. So, they buy their own home and after graduating the child “leaves” with a large amount of building savings or investment products. Then all you have to do is simply visit and choose the perfect furniture.

But then what? The children will not have your care for the next three quarters of their lives. And they have a life whereby the main thing is already fulfilled – they can live comfortably, they have no major worries. This greatly reduces their motivation to develop, they often feel burnt out and without a mission in life.

After all, even the descendants of the world’s richest people often suffer from drug-related depression. And they can’t avoid scandals that tabloids worldwide write about. How can you avoid something like this?

Pay close attention to children from an early age

Your child should be a priority from the very first day. Work, friends or anything else should never be at the first place. While this is indeed the case in the first months, when the child is completely dependent on parental care, many parents later partially neglect their children.

To keep the child calm, they get a tablet with animated fairy tales. And parents ignore the legitimate questions of children in relation to all sorts of things (the child is constantly discovering and even needs to understand the most basic things). Subsequently, children spend evenings alone because the parents have a job or their own interests.

Because of this fact, the child may feel a certain emptiness, which they won’t be able to fill for the rest of their life.

Prefer education and knowledge to inheritance

You have to prepare the child for life, especially in relation to knowledge and skills. Provide them with the best education and allow them to develop their talent and pursue their hobbies. Of course, as a parent you need to set certain boundaries that are insurmountable. A child should feel the necessary freedom and liberty that allows them to develop. And older people in the area should primarily be a childhood guide. At the end of this journey, your offspring should be ready for life and should be able to take care of themselves even if their inheritance is zero.

After all, this is an increasingly common choice for many of the world’s current billionaires. Above all, they give their offspring love and provide them with the best education, and after their death they bequeath almost all their property to charity.