SimCorp Wins Scoops Up The Investment Industry Awards

SimCorp Wins Scoops Up The Investment Industry Awards

The Investor Portfolio Management Firm SimCorp was given the honour earlier this year of being named the ‘Best Buy-Side IBOR (Investment Book of Recor

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The Investor Portfolio Management Firm SimCorp was given the honour earlier this year of being named the ‘Best Buy-Side IBOR (Investment Book of Record) Platform’ at the Buy-Side Technology Awards 2016 and ‘European Front to Back Office Provider of the Year’ by Funds Europe, SimCorp has now received the prestigious ‘Best Fund Accounting, Portfolio Management & Data Platform’ at Data Management Review Awards 2016.

Over 170 of the World’s Top Investment firms use the Sim Corp Investment Management Platform that in itself speak volumes about its effectiveness.

Klaus Holse, SimCorp CEO, said: “We are honored to have our solution recognized for its front to back, IBOR and data management capabilities. Our more than 300 developers work hard to make sure we continuously provide an up-to-date and highly integrated solution, capable of handling the increasing levels of market complexity in an effective manner. I see the awards as a testament to the fact that SimCorp Dimension provides our clients with a competitive advantage.”

On top off the three recent awards, SimCorp Dimension earlier this year won FTF News 2016 Technology Innovation Awards for ‘Best IBOR Solution’ and ‘Best Buy-Side Operations Solution’. Further, SimCorp’s focused client communications and reporting solution, SimCorp Coric, was named ‘Best Client Reporting Solution’ at Systems in the City Awards for the second year running.

SimCorp Methodologies

As we know the international economic climate and investment cloud can be somewhat complex and hazy, and a multi asset investor will do well to defer to experts when diversifying their assets.

A diversified portfolio is the most ideal for you especially when your target is to invest your funds towards generating retirement income without taking too much risk. In essence, multi asset investment obeys the old wisdom of not putting all your eggs in one basket.

“A good multi asset fund manager will help you spread your investments across varied sectors and countries, as well as different various asset types such as equities, bonds, shares, and property. These may also include profitable alternatives such as infrastructure and commodities.” SImCorp Fund Managers.

Each investment option behaves differently in different economic weathers with varied inherent risks, so the risks are smothered and opportunities for investment growth increased.

Typically, corporate and government bonds which have a guaranteed income flow, are more attractive in a poor economic climate. Equities and shares are lucrative when the economy is on the upward swing as they offer investors opportunities to make bigger profits.

The Multi-Asset Pick ’N’ Mix Strategy

Experienced investors could set up their own diversified portfolio by putting funds in an assortment of investment choices, including in shares, bonds and special funds.

But such people are seasoned investors with a sound knowledge of all the sectors, and a keen insight on the best way to match and mix their portfolio between various assets at the right timing and within the most favourable economic cycle.

Fund Managers at say “However, for those with an average knowledge of the character and volatility patterns of the markets, it is also better to leave this multi asset strategy investment to the professional fund manager or company.”

“The multi fund company or manager will utilize a number of top level market tactics, expertise, technology such as advanced portfolio management software and experience to invest the client’s fund in different asset types and create a rich, diversified portfolio. “

As we can see a multi asset investment portfolio is spread across various asset types, and typically includes the following

  • Equities
    Depending on varied factors like business performance, the health of the economy and investor sentiment; shares of companies go up and down. Many shares pay income through dividends, which are cash payments representing a portion of the profit to shareholders.
  • Corporate and government bonds
    In practical terms, this works like an IOU with interest. They are issued by governments and companies to borrow money. In return, the borrower gets ‘coupon,’ which guarantee regular payment. Bonds are more stable than equities, because the coupon is insured by the issuer, in so far it does not go bankrupt.
  • Property
    Property investment could vary in the form of bricks and mortar or a share in a real estate company, including property investment trusts.
  • Cash
    Most multi asset companies often hold a small part of their client’s fund in cash as part of the investment portfolio as they’re expected to invest in the assets they cover.
  • Alternative assets
    These are investments not included in the list above and include options such as commodity, property, agriculture, infrastructure, and private equity.