5 Easy Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Eco-Friendly

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Eco-Friendly

Global warming is the biggest issue our generation is currently facing. Unfortunately, most people aren’t taking it as seriously as they should becaus

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Global warming is the biggest issue our generation is currently facing. Unfortunately, most people aren’t taking it as seriously as they should because their lives haven’t been directly affected by it yet. As such, they continue to lead lifestyles which exacerbate an already dire situation. However, there is still plenty we can do to help reverse global warming. Even just small changes and a little more conscientiousness will make a big difference. So, what are some easy ways to make our lifestyles eco-friendlier, as we begin our journey to save the planet? Find out by reading on.

1.) Shopping Locally

Whenever you can, buy local produce. Things like fast fashion and imported food are incredibly detrimental to the environment. This is because they must be transported overseas via planes, ships or trucks, which guzzle tonnes of fuel in the process and release toxic fumes into the atmosphere. What’s more, the big corporations that create these products are infamous for being the biggest perpetrators of climate change. So, not only does buying locally help to reduce food miles and your carbon footprint, but it also supports local businesses as opposed to mega-corporations.

2.) Diet Change

You don’t necessarily have to become vegetarian or vegan to make your diet eco-friendlier. Instead, it’s about small and sustainable changes. For example, you don’t have to stop eating meat, just consume less of it, as its production is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. If you are going to eat meat, then try sourcing it from farmers in the local area. Once again, this will help to reduce food miles. We also recommend dairy and meat substitutes to those who enjoy consuming them. Even just switching from cow’s milk to oat milk is a step in the right direction.

3.) Biodegradables

Landfills are piled up with plastic, which takes thousands of years to decompose and releases horrible toxins into the environment if we attempt to burn it. Its production is also incredibly detrimental to the atmosphere. However, by incorporating more biodegradable solutions into our lifestyle, we can reduce our reliance on plastic and give back to the environment. To give you a few examples, retailers could switch to cardboard packaging with oxo-degradable bubble wrap. Meanwhile, businesses should use compostable coffee capsules by Halo when supplying customers or clientele with hot beverages. Rather than buying a silicone phone cover, switch to eco-friendly cases which can be recycled or biodegraded.

4.) Travelling

Where you can, you should avoid using your car. Instead, we recommend travelling by bike or foot. Not only will this benefit your fitness levels and save you money on fuel, but it also means you’re chucking fewer fumes into the environment. Taking public transport is a great solution, too. If a bus with 20 passengers gets stuck in traffic, it’s much less detrimental to the environment than 20 cars.

5.) Eco-Friendly Energy

Cutting down on energy usage in your household is an excellent way to make your lifestyle eco-friendlier. For starters, turn off your lights and electrical appliances whenever you’re not using them or in the room. Next, put your heating on a timer and avoid leaving it on all day. Being more conscious about how much water you’re using is also a must. Finally, switch to environmentally friendly energy solutions where possible. Some people do this by installing solar panels or buying an electric car, but you can simply invest in more energy-efficient appliances and that will make a big difference.

Implement these small changes into your lifestyle and it will make a big difference as we tackle global warming.