4 Surprising Habits that are Taking a Toll on Your Skin

4 Surprising Habits that are Taking a Toll on Your Skin

Everyone wants to know the secret mantra to push the line of aging. Nobody wants to walk around with sagging skin, fine lines, crow feet, and under-ey

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Everyone wants to know the secret mantra to push the line of aging. Nobody wants to walk around with sagging skin, fine lines, crow feet, and under-eye bags. That’s why we always strive to try beauty fads, luxury skincare products, wash our face daily, eat healthy food, and follow a beauty regimen to have healthy and glowing skin.

But despite all these efforts to stay youthful, you feel that something is not right.

Often you face breakouts, fine lines, and dull skin, and you wonder where my beauty rituals went wrong? Well, there isn’t anything wrong with your beauty rituals, but some of your habits play the devil card. Our skin is one of the most sensitive parts of our body, and different routines and habits add up to damage it. If you want to get back your flawless skin, it is time to tweak a few of your habits.

Here are some habits you need to change to get gleaming and glorious skin of Victoria’s supermodels without any face job:

Quit Smoking for Good:

Smoking is an enemy of your lungs, you know that, but what you might not know is that it also ruins your skin on so many levels that you can’t even imagine. Nicotine hinders blood circulation to your skin, and resultantly, your skin doesn’t get enough oxygen and nutrients. That’s not the only harm smoking does to your skin. The chemicals in tobacco are not good for the collagen and elasticity of the skin.


The single act of smoking can pull down all your efforts to stay beautiful with flawless skin. Taking an antioxidant-rich diet and drinking plenty of water might help you, but the best thing is to quit smoking. In the case where quitting smoking has proved unsuccessful in the past, try using a vape to ease the transition. Vaping doesn’t produce carbon monoxide, so it helps in quenching your nicotine thirst without damaging your skin.

Avoid touching your face excessively:

Scratching your nose, touching your cheeks, or tucking stray hair behind your ear might sound like naïve acts, but they can be the gateway to getting acne. Significantly, if you haven’t washed your hands for a while, you might gather bacteria and dirt on your hands. Once you touch your face, the bacteria and dirt effortlessly get transferred to your face skin and start doing their work: the creation of ugly pimples. While these things are all very common and hard to stop, it’s worth it for the sake of getting a pimple-free face.

Check Face Products Ingredients Before Use:

We love to try every new product that enters the market and garners some buzz on Reddit. It is good to be in search of new good products, but what isn’t good is to use these products without checking their ingredients. Like some foundations have silicones, they can cause redness, irritation, collagen breakdown, and fine line appearance. Always watch out what goes into your product before giving it a try.

Showering a Lot is not Okay:

You love to take a long bath with warm water. It just makes you feel so good and relaxed. But do you know that this habit is depriving your skin off natural face oil that you need to protect skin’s barrier against environmental factors, like pollutants and UV rays? Avoid excessive shower, and always use lukewarm water to keep your skin’s essential oils and maintain its pH.