Does the Success of Your Corporate Event Influence the Reputation of Your Business?

Does the Success of Your Corporate Event Influence the Reputation of Your Business?

No one wants to spend money and employee time on a bad corporate event. Not only can a bad corporate event ruin your company image, it could also affe

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No one wants to spend money and employee time on a bad corporate event. Not only can a bad corporate event ruin your company image, it could also affect your business internally in a number of ways. Let’s take a closer look at how the repercussions of a bad corporate event could affect your business’s brand and reputation.

The Effect on Employees

If there are already problems in the company culture or dissatisfied employees, a corporate event gone wrong will only cement their negative opinions. Again, you’ll see an uptick in departures as well as lower morale. Morale and company engagement are so important that people will leave for jobs that pay less if they aren’t happy at work. In this regard, unsuccessful corporate events hurt your reputation with your employees and end up hurting the firm.

An unsuccessful event can negatively impact your employees. If you’re holding the event to engage employees, a bad event leaves them with a bad taste in their mouths. For instance, an event that was supposed to bring employees together could actually backfire if your workforce is already very competitive.

You could check out services like Team Tactics events which offer a variety of different corporate events you can choose from. Not all teams will benefit from the traditional corporate events and some might not want to spend a day in the woods if they aren’t used to the great outdoors. Try to gauge your employees’ interests and be conservative if you feel like a particular event could clash with some of them.

Employee Productivity and Effectiveness

If you pull people away from work for a fun and rewarding corporate event, they’ll be happy to have had a break. It may even feel like a paid vacation. However, if the corporate event is unsuccessful, whether it falls flat or just goes wrong, they’ll feel like you wasted their time.

Matters are even worse if the corporate event was held for training purposes. Now they haven’t learned what you’d hoped they’d learn, and that hinders their productivity and effectiveness. That issue is compounded when the lessons were passively taught via a “sit and watch” format. If people tuned out or were aggravated, they weren’t really paying attention to the instructor and will remember very little. The training is then ineffective.

The ideal scenario is to have active, immersive training in a safe, supportive environment – the training event. Experiential learning maximizes retention rates since people learn better by doing than watching. Letting them have practice lessons in the training session helps hone proper behaviours. However, this is only true if the event goes well. If the event was unsuccessful, your company’s productivity could take a nosedive when people try to learn in their own time since that’s generally in piecemeal fashion.

Satisfied Clients and Customers

Many company events are geared toward learning how to better serve clients and customers. If your company message is diluted or countered by what people see at the company event, your employees will not be able to properly represent the company.

If the event goes poorly, they won’t learn all the new information they need to do their jobs in an ideal manner. If no one learns anything at the training session, customer service won’t improve. The end result is dissatisfied customers and clients. Losing customers will impact the bottom line. Conversely, well-run events, especially training events focusing on customer service training, will result in satisfied clients and customers. In this regard, corporate events will truly affect your business’ reputation for better or for worse.


Corporate events influence your employees, and this can indirectly impact your customers. Events that are intended to teach employees key skills or share information will affect your customers and your company’s reputation more directly.