Most Polluted Countries in Europe

Most Polluted Countries in Europe

Global warming is becoming an increasing problem. As temperatures increase, it’s causing a number of major issues across the planet. In a bid to stop

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Global warming is becoming an increasing problem. As temperatures increase, it’s causing a number of major issues across the planet. In a bid to stop global warming becoming worse, government around the world have been introducing numerous measures to reduce their carbon emissions. However, some countries are performing much better than others.

Here, we’ll look at some of the most polluted countries in Europe, along with the countries that are considered the cleanest.

Which countries in Europe are the most polluted?

According to a recent report from the World Health Organisation, over 90% of children in the world are breathing in toxic air. The increasing dangers of global warming mean we have to understand the levels of pollution in different countries.

Despite having the wealthiest and largest economy in the globe, Europe’s pollution levels vary greatly between its countries. The worst performing countries according to the latest research include:

  • Turkey
  • Poland
  • Latvia

With a pollution score of 6.1 out of 10, Turkey is considered the most polluted European country today. It has a high carbon dioxide pollution level, and it is thought that 44 people die each year due to its pollution levels. However, it has made some measures to counteract its pollution, such as maintaining 15.2% of forests.

Poland isn’t too far behind with a score of 5.5 out of 10, then Latvia comes in third with a 5.4 out of 10 score.

What is causing pollution problems?

There are a number of factors contributing to the pollution problems in European cities. Congestion from vehicles, using unclean energy and a lack of forests are just three of the reasons some countries aren’t performing as well as others. Recycling and reducing land waste is also something these countries need to focus on.

Which countries are getting it right?

Not all of Europe contributes to high pollution levels. Sweden, the UK and Finland are considered some of the cleanest countries in Europe. Sweden has a very low pollution score of just 2.8 out of 10. Its level of deaths caused by pollution is just 0.4 out of every 100,000 capita per year.

The UK has a score of 4.3 out of 10, which is considered better than the average. This is largely thanks to its commitment to clean energy and solutions from companies such as ERG. Finland has a slightly better score than the UK, at 3.5 out of 10.

While all European countries are starting to work on their air pollution problems, some do need to put more work in than others. Recycling, making use of clean energy and incorporating more forest areas into the environment are just some of the steps they can take to improve their pollution troubles.