How to Get Motivated to Go to the Gym

How to Get Motivated to Go to the Gym

How to Get Motivated to Go to the Gym Have you ever had the best of intentions to hit the gym before or after work or on the weekends, but when it

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How to Get Motivated to Go to the Gym

Have you ever had the best of intentions to hit the gym before or after work or on the weekends, but when it came down to it, you just didn’t feel like going? Or maybe you have a strict workout regimen, but you miss one day and suddenly, you find it difficult to hop back into your routine. We have all been there, and we definitely aren’t alone, as most people are underactive—or don’t go to the gym as much as they “should.” There are many things that stand in the way of our workouts, such as:

  • Gym intimidation
  • Time
  • Costs associated with the gym
  • Location

But at the root of all of those workout killers is a lack of motivation—and it can strike at any time. In fact, studies show that many people beginning a fitness journey or routine will drop out of it six months later—if not sooner. Working out can be so rewarding, but because results usually don’t happen overnight and take a lot of work to achieve, motivation will wane for everyone at some point in their fitness journey. That’s why we have created a guide to propel you back into your workout routine or feel inspired to start a new one.

Channel Your Inner Fashionista

When you buy a new outfit from your favorite plus size boutique, aren’t you so excited to style and wear it the next day? Well, the same rules apply for plus size athleisure. A new gym outfit can have you feeling excited and optimistic about going to the gym, and your new look will most likely help you perform better as well. If you find yourself lacking motivation because your gym clothes don’t inspire you or fit you the way they should, it’s time to invest in new pieces that offer you maximum support, like a new plus-size sports bra, that will help you complete your workouts.

Create More Competition

Studies found that the number one motivator for going to the gym was competition. Take a cycling class or pick up an activity that puts you in direct competition with your classmates to push yourself even further. Whether you rise above the competition or just simply keep up, the reward of going full-out will keep you coming back to the gym.

Find a Gym Buddy

If group classes or direct competition don’t excite you, maybe a workout partner will. Having someone—whether it be a friend or a personal trainer—who is counting on you to show up will definitely motivate you to hit the gym. Studies also found that you are more likely to hit all your reps when working out with a partner, too. It’s a win-win.

Bump Up the Playlist

Music is one of the greatest stimuli you could tap into while working out, according to psychology. Whether you have a workout music playlist or not, it’s time to update it or create one with songs that inspire you to push through your workouts and hit all of your reps. You could strategically place songs in an order that helps you through the highs and lows of your routine to keep you on beat, or just simply fill your playlist with songs that take your mind off of those last five squats.

Leverage Social Media

Because social media plays a huge role in most people’s lives, it also has the potential to drive us to the gym. There are many ways to use social media to boost motivation when it comes to working out, but the most prominent one is just by using it to hold yourself accountable.

Join a Virtual Workout Group–There are many accountability groups on Facebook and Instagram filled with women who motivate each other to reach their fitness goals every day. Whether you find one that already exists or you create your own, channeling the energy and motivation of other women who have similar fitness goals could be extremely rewarding.

Check-In–If you love to check in on social media wherever you go, motivate yourself to keep a regular schedule at the gym by taking a sweaty mirror selfie after your workout and posting it. Your friends and family will see your efforts and may even ask you how it’s going, which will keep you motivated to keep striving toward your goals.

Change Your Mindset About Fitness

Most Americans are dissatisfied with the way their bodies look, which is why many of them turn to the gym as a solution. However, because weight loss or muscle building is never instantaneous and results take a long time to show up, many people lose motivation to keep working out. But what stays constant as people workout is how they feel after. If you started going to the gym regularly because you like the way it makes you feel rather than the way it makes your body look, you’re more likely to associate positive feelings with going to the gym. An “I have to go or I won’t look good” mentality puts a lot of pressure on you. Don’t go to the gym with a specific body image goal in mind, instead, go with the goal of achieving a feeling of strength, health or stress relief.

If you are conscious, you can start by doing home workouts and build yourself up from there. Whether you’re an avid gym-goer or you’re looking to get into the swing of things, always have patience! It’s important to honor your mind and body’s wishes when it comes to physical activity so that you don’t put a strain on yourself. Use these tips to turn the gym into a place of positivity and vitality, and you’ll want to keep going back!