How to conduct safe outdoor photography amid the COVID-19 pandemic

How to conduct safe outdoor photography amid the COVID-19 pandemic

In the time of COVID-19, it seems like the things we enjoy most have been banned or at the least discouraged. These are strange and uncertain times, a

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In the time of COVID-19, it seems like the things we enjoy most have been banned or at the least discouraged. These are strange and uncertain times, and the whole situation is taking its toll on a lot of people in the UK and beyond. 

However, you can still do plenty of the things you enjoy so long as you’re careful about it. Outdoor photography, for example. On the one hand, shots of bustling city streets and highly populated town centres are probably not advisable. Beautiful sweeping shots of your nearest countryside? Go ahead! It’s all about staying safe. 

So, with that in mind, we’re going to give you some pointers on making your photography as safe as possible. Before long, you’ll be happily snapping once again. 

  1. Avoid high-traffic areas

Like we said, town centres and highly congested areas should be avoided. Instead, seek out photo opportunities that give you plenty of space to navigate and get the best shot. Space also means lack of people. In the great outdoors, you shouldn’t have too difficult a job finding somewhere remote. 

  1. Ensure you have sanitiser on-hand

This goes for everywhere you go, but particularly when you’re handling camera equipment. Having hand sanitiser (and maybe even wipes for your equipment) helps ensure that you eradicate contamination and the further spread of COVID-19. 

  1. For a while, keep your equipment to yourself

As an additional measure, during the pandemic you should really keep your equipment to yourself and try not to lend it out. This may be something that you’re used to, but you should really think twice as it could effectively limit the spread. COVID-19 is known to cling to surfaces for anywhere between 2-3 days. 

  1. If you’re taking photos of people, do it from a safe distance

Of course, if you are taking photographs of people then you need to practice social distancing. It’s understandable to want to document the current situation, and nothing will document it quite like photos of people, but social distancing must be taken seriously. You can still get great photos from a distance!

  1. Be mindful of others

If you’re on a country path or trail, be sure to keep a wide berth from passers by. Give them space to pass by, and be mindful of social distancing. 

  1. Clean your gear more regularly

We mentioned this earlier, but it does deserve its own section here. Clean your camera equipment as much as you can, and especially before you head out and when you return home. And, while you’re at it, clean your smartphone too. It’s one of the biggest culprits for germs!

  1. Clean your hands 

You already know this one, right? This is the most effective way to stop the spread of the virus, and it’s better than hand sanitiser. If you’re out and about, hand sanitiser is your best option but once you’re back home from your shoot – use soap and warm water. 

  1. Use the right protective equipment

COVID-19 or not, outdoor photography can be rough and you need the right protective equipment to store your valuable photography gear. There are some great options out there – the Case Farm should see you right with their range of all purpose protective case foam products.

Last of all, enjoy!

Trying to keep in mind these new safety measures can almost ruin the spontaneity of your photography, never mind your overall fun. Don’t let it! There are plenty of photographers out there who still ply their trade and have fun while doing it.