How Companies Can Use Video To Get More Jobs

How Companies Can Use Video To Get More Jobs

By now, you should be well aware of the growing popularity of online videos. Scroll through Twitter and ask yourself how many times you will come acro

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By now, you should be well aware of the growing popularity of online videos. Scroll through Twitter and ask yourself how many times you will come across videos within your newsfeed. Marketing via videos nowadays isn’t considered as just a luxurious alternative, but rather a solution.

Just what is it with video marketing that gets the internet talking? Is it the SEO benefit? Perhaps the level of engagement? Or maybe the interactiveness?

Well, it is the mixture of all the above and much more. In this post, you’re going to see how corporate video production and marketing can help grow your Roofing company sales. Below are some techniques that you should try out.

Brand recognition

If we had to say the words, Roofing Company, what is the first thing that pops in your mind? Is it your roofing company brand?

What about the words search engines? Does Yahoo or Google spring to mind? You obviously would like your customers to remember your brand every time they think about your service.

There are many ways to create a buzz around your product/brand with a video. What’s even better, you don’t require a big budget.

Explainer videos or how-to videos

Video/visual marketing goes back a long way. Our brain cells can process visual content around 50,000 times faster than text. It’s no surprise that videos are preferred over reading about a product or service. Here is another fun reality; 80% of people are more likely to purchase a product once they have seen its explainer video.

An explainer video helps explain a company’s product, service or story. Explainer videos are usually short and can be live-action, digital drawings or hand drawings. The most popular types of explainer videos are animated videos.

Promotional videos

When it comes to launching a new product, promotional videos are the one. These videos are an excellent way to communicate your message to the masses. Think of a promotional video as somewhat in between a brand recognition video and an explainer video. You want to showcase your product briefly, at the same time you want to ensure that your name gets recognized.


The inclusion of video blogs should not come as a surprise. Video blogs are cheap to make, showcase significant engagement figures and are rich in personality. So why are very few companies jumping onboard video blogs? But if video blogs such as YouTube celebrities or the Gamespot is anything to go by, then we recommend jumping on the bandwagon!

Introduce yourself with a video

Give your audience the chance to meet with the people who are behind your brand. Showcasing authenticity and being genuine is something that companies can fake. Although customers are after a quality product or service, it is the cause of the company and passion that builds an emotional connection between the brand and the customer. Doing this will humanize your company, after all, a roof is a large part of our lives so it helps to know the people who’ll be keeping us dry!

Facebook Live

Facebooks latest improvements to create video platforms comes in the form of a live video feed, also referred to as Facebook Live. Once you have gone live, your viewers will get a notification prompting them to simply tune in and watch it. You can use Facebook Live to go behind the scenes and give your audience an exclusive video at what others may not have access too. You may even go live at your next roofing job (on the ground hopefully). Facebook has helped in improving the power of video in a way that has never been seen before.

Final thoughts

Creating great video footage is not impossible. But it requires plenty of experience and patience as well.

At Coolbox, we are significantly popular when it comes to creating massive brand awareness through our excellent video production. We have a clear grip on the action camera market by taking advantage of unique user-submitted content to help promote your business. Make sure you hit us to start this journey of greatness.