How to Make a Good Impression at That Big Job Interview

How to Make a Good Impression at That Big Job Interview

We all have those make-it-or-break-it interviews at least once in our lives. You might be interviewing for your dream job, or perhaps you are going in

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We all have those make-it-or-break-it interviews at least once in our lives. You might be interviewing for your dream job, or perhaps you are going in for a big promotion. Either way, you need to make sure that you are landing a good impression on the interviewing panel. Here are some of the best ways to do so.

Research, Research, Research

The worst thing you can be is underprepared. With most interviews, there is actually no such thing as being too prepared, so you should make sure that you are taking the time to learn all that you can about the company.

Firstly, you need to make sure that you know what your job role will entail. While you might have already filled in an application detailing how you meet each of the criteria, you need to ensure that you are able to expand on each point. Have examples that you can pull out of how you meet the desired attributes of the role, and prepare answers for some of the common interview questions that you might get asked. You also need to make sure that you prepare questions that you ask the panel yourself, as they can give you some insight into how the organisation works from an internal perspective.

You also need to make sure that you know about the company. Even if it is not strictly relevant to what will be your job, you need to make sure that you know some of the ins and outs that make the company what it is. You never know when you might get tested on this, and no one wants to draw a blank at such a question.

Be Nice to Everyone

While you are on the premises for the interview, make sure that you are nice and civil to everyone that you meet. It does not matter who it is – from the receptionist all the way up to the CEO – make sure that you treat them with respect.

It is a very common interview tactic for panels to ask receptionists to monitor candidates when they come in for interview. Too many people are rude to staff that they feel are “beneath them”. Receptionists are the lifeblood of many a company, but they can still be treated poorly by some. However, when the candidate reaches the interview room, they switch on the charm and become a completely different person.

Having the receptionist keep an eye on the candidates means that they can relay back to the panel as to who is genuinely friendly and warm, and who could prove to be problematic if brought onto the team. If you want to make a good impression, you need to make sure that you treat everyone at the company with the same level of respect that you are going to show in that interview room.

Look the Part

Everyone should always look nice and neat at a job interview. You need to make sure that you put forward the very best version of yourself, whatever that may be. While it is important to remain smart, you need to also dress for the interview at hand. If you are going to be going into a more creative role in a relaxed setting, turning up in full corporate attire will make you look a little out of place. Here, you can afford to be a little more creative with your outfit choice – though it should still be smart and office-appropriate, even if you never do end up wearing it to the office if you get the job.

Even if you are interviewing for a corporate position, there is no reason why you cannot have a little fun with your outfit. A pair of standout shoes or an interesting print on your shirt could help to make you memorable in a sea of other candidates. Some small detail like this might be all that you need to stand out.

Don’t forget the finishing touches to your outfit. Accessories like Rolex watches or the right designer handbag can tie the outfit together in a fantastic way. Though you don’t have to spend hours on it, make sure that you do spend a little time putting together an outfit that makes you feel confident and ready to sell yourself to the panel. Remember little details too – don’t wear too much cologne or perfume in case you overpower them, and make sure to duck into a bathroom to check your appearance quickly before the interview starts – smoothing those flyaways and fixing makeup if you wear it!

Speak Clearly

If you have a tendency to rush through your speech and stumble on your words, you need to practice slowing your speech and taking things much more simply. Try to make sure that you prepare not just what you are going to say but how you are going to say it. You need to make sure that you are not tumbling through your speech so you know that you are getting across every point that you have to make. Your interview is your opportunity to really sell yourself, so you need to make sure that you are able to do so.

Think that you are rushing? Take a beat to have a deep breath and calm yourself down again. It can make all the difference. If you have researched well enough and practiced your material, you should have no trouble remembering what it is that you need to say. Try to stick to these points as best as you can. The interviewers will want to hear from you, so it is important that you speak up when you have the chance to.

Finally, you need to make sure that you judge the room carefully. Does it seem like the sort of environment where you could safely crack a joke or two? There are many interviewers who would be happy to hear to joke around a little as it could be a glimpse into your personality. Others might disapprove and think that it shows a degree of unprofessionalism. Try to judge what might be right for this interview, and smooth things over quickly if you think that something doesn’t quite land.

Keep Calm, and Good Luck!

A big interview is always a nerve-wracking experience, but you will hopefully be able to pull it off in your own impeccable style. Remember that everything ties together from how you present yourself to what you should do before you even step foot in the interview room.

Making a good impression at that big interview is going to be a key part of getting a job offer. You need to make sure that you are confident and able to demonstrate why you are a fit for the role and for the team. Remember – the interviewers would not be talking to you if they did not think that you did not have something to offer. You need to make sure that you are going to be able to sell yourself and take those precious last steps over the finishing line and towards the job offer. Have confidence in yourself and you will be able to deliver the right results!