10 Ways To Gain Traffic To Your Website

10 Ways To Gain Traffic To Your Website

Generating traffic to your website can be a challenge particularly when you have a website that has not been updated in a few years. However, it is no

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Generating traffic to your website can be a challenge particularly when you have a website that has not been updated in a few years. However, it is not impossible to get the results that you want. To help you get it right first time, we have compiled a list of 10 tips to help you increase the traffic to your site.

Build Up Your Social Media Presence

When looking to direct traffic to your site, one of the best things you can do is to build up your social media. These platforms are a great way to advertise a product or service whilst providing a link to the website to direct the traffic. Though this is completely dependant on the type of posts that you are generating, adding this link will help to reach your target audience across numerous social media platforms.

Research Into The Competition

Another crucial step in gaining traffic to your website is to research the completion. When it comes to marketing, there is no point in reinventing the wheel. If you look at what is working for your competitors and add your own twist, this is a great place for you to start. By enlisting the help of a marketing agency such as Absolute Digital Media to help you with your market research, you are freeing up time for you to focus on other aspects of the business.


When you have begun to build up the social media platforms and researched the completion it is then time to advertise your business. Whether you decide to opt for traditional advertising in the form of a billboard or television advert or a PPC advert for online marketing, there are several ways that you can reach several audiences at once and show your business in the best possible light.

Assess Overall Website Design

Getting traffic to your website is one thing. Keeping them there is another. If your website is not operating to the best that it can be this will lead to a high bounce rate and people heading elsewhere. As a result, it is important to assess the overall design of the website and ensure that it is working efficiently. This will ensure that the people heading to your website will be able to your site efficiently to find what they need.

Begin To Utilise Content Creation

When you have your website to where you would like it to be you can then begin to focus on the content creation. Whether this is the development of content for a home page or a blog that is posted up weekly, this will allow you to showcase expertise to your audience and make your website stand out against competitors.

Target The Right Keywords

As part of your content creation, it is also important to look at the keywords you are looking to target. Whether they are long tail, short tail or localised, these will all help to optimise the content to appear in Google SERP results. This will provide you with long term results and help you to compete with others in your industry.

Implement An Internal Linking Strategy

Another step that you can take to boost the traffic to your website is to implement an internal linking strategy. This will not only help the navigation around your website, but it will improve the E.A.T score and boost authority. This is great for your Google Ranking as it allows crawlers to navigate the site with ease, all whilst optimising for the customer.

Implement An Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is another simple way of boosting traffic to your site as it can help with customer acquisition as well as customer retention. By sending offers out to older customers, you are then able to bring customers to your website to look at deals as well as offering for brand new products.

Improve Site Loading Speed

As the website continues to be optimised, you should focus on the loading speed of the landing page and other pages of the website. If this is above 5 seconds, you are likely to see a majority of this traffic clicking off. Therefore, ensuring that it is optimised to its full potential will help you to improve conversion rate as well as an increased flow of traffic to the site.

Begin Creating Video Content

The final way that you can boost the traffic to your site is to generate optimised video content. This will not only help to drive the traffic, but it will aid you in reaching new target audience. This is the future of content creation in 2020 and beyond as many experts suggest 80% of content will be video and audio format as opposed to written content.

Whether you decide to use a marketing agency to help increase the flow of traffic or you decide to complete the work in house, there are several avenues you can take. Which will you be trying out first?